My Blog will contain my first published book, Little Paddle and his First Day Outing Adventure, along with that I will be discussing other Authors, books, movies, themes, day to day I will ask questions relevant to today's issues. Thought's, Poems , stories from life, tall tales . I will add music but because of deafness , I can only do music up to the year 2000 so that I can be a true participant in the likes and dislikes.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
I am lost and can't seem to be able to get up enough of what I have lost to be able to find myself
I truly have lost my place, where I am , is not where I want to be. So you ask , or more than likely you don't ask because I have lost that footing. It is said that no good deed goes unpunished and that only the good die young, so where does that leave me ? I am old and perhaps out grown my time, is there a way to know this for sure. The only way I can think of is to be prevalent in today's forum. I write my posts for me because they are what I have thoughts about , at the time something happens, I see it and it effects me on many levels so I write about it, now I need to write things that are an interest to all others. Who is to say that once I can find a voice to share what others find interesting maybe then those who find that of interest will take another look at what I have a voice in already. So now I come to it, another surgery, I have not completely healed from yet. There are other surgeries that I have had that will never be the same again but that is another thing all together. These surgeries are together, TKR. Yup, TKR is Total Knee Replacement or mine should be Total Knees Replacement. About 6 months ago I had the left knee done and now Janurary 20th 2020 I will have the right knee done. Don't let anyone fool you, especially the Dr. who is doing the surgery. Not to be confused with Dr.Who , who is a cut up all of her own, at least this one is. So pain being not unlike a relative , I could certainly make a relative joke here about how much of a pain in the ass relatives are to have in your house at Holidays or most any other time but seeing as I just did I will let that rest. So, pain being relative is also subjective , one persons pain is another's torture and another's " are we there yet!" I am pretty sure you understand the latter. I am a man , so obviously I am some what callus about pain, I can stay away from tears when I close my hand in the car door or slam my thumb with a hammer, but when it comes to pain day in day out over seconds, minutes and hours filled with pain medication , that makes the day a clock watch. Everything becomes a clock watch. For the first several days the clock not only is a watch but a fiend, yeah not a friend, a fiend. Mostly because you are still in the Hospital, anyone who has spent more than just a night in the Hospital knows the truth of that. By the time you have your surgery you have given what seems like your entire life's story to every one who is within listening range and then for good measure you repeat it all over again sitting there in nothing but a tissue for a house coat to Nurses, the Anasthesiologist and maybe the Dr. just to add to the fun because it is still a ways from the time you go to the O.R. Now for the last month or maybe even more than that I have been anxious, nervous, edgy , reluctant and any other number of emotions that are associated with death and pain and loss, why it that you ask, well I did just have the other knee done 6 months ago and it is still in healing mode along with Spinal fusion with Stenosis and a new metal frame holding my spine in place where the discs were replaced, or the 3 Lung operations oh my there are more but even if you only understand 10% of it you understand enough as to why I am lost
Monday, January 6, 2020
Posts that may be something to read and maybe to learn
- John Sarno updated his status.Aug 31, 2009, 2:52 PMwinds blow, children cry, shutters slam on abandoned buildings. winds cry, children listen while empty houses shudder. children shudder while the wind blows through their empty crying.
- John Sarno updated his status.if finding means looking and looking means curiosity and curiosity killed the cat i guess i'm glad i have only one life and not nine , because i'd hate to be killed just for being curious
- John Sarno updated his status.bright sunlight burns,where its light settles on the road. etching waves like a rushing tide,not along the horizen towards the shallows, but skyward towards the everlasting heavens.
- John Sarno updated his status.broad days that shine,sheltered inside the day cannot be. shining against eyes ,the blurred vision of life is present,catching a glimpse takes only a glance, but looking slows. long, slow warm summer days lead to peace, winters cold embrace ,is only to close
Face Book Posts OCT. & NOV. " 09 "
Activity Log

- Hey from CT. Maybe a bit to much tough love but just think how much time you will save taking shower's, not having to tie that shoe lace, but some bad news also, you will never ever be able to kick someone in the ass ! unless you learn the high jumping kick an ass method ! Please remember me under the heading, an Ass a day keeps the doctor away, glad I could give you my diagnosis , Be well my friend.
- John Sarno updated his status.So, the adventure continues. Very soon I am going to be Tweeting, I have a Tweeter account and I believe that is one of the steps to getting my blog noticed. Certainly , there are other sites for saying what is on your mind, I don't know them, I hardly know what Tweeter is and does, the only high profile person that uses Tweeter is Mr. Trump and he certainly has some amount of followers. I am pret... See More
- John Sarno updated his status.The world is full of choices, good and bad is as basic as it gets. Every day without even thinking choices are made. The next time you are going to make a choice, stop and think, why this choice, most of the time its an easy answer, those times where you must actually stop and think, those are the decisions that can alter are lives.
- John Sarno updated his status.When time does tell, the Bell , tolls the hour. Our maker finds or faults and judges us so. Let the deeds of yesterday commit a path to follow , today.
- John Sarno updated his status.Well good evening every one, I do hope that some day soon when I say, excuse me, when I text this, it will read good evening every one and that will not only be me beautiful people who have followed me from the beginning but every one else who joins from now until I can't count any higher. So believe it or not this short story is based on several things that have actually happened, the truth, but ... See More
- John Sarno was tagged.#greens My first travel of 2020. Hobbit's Farmville @Brgy Lipet-Tumeng, San Fabian, Pangasinan.
- Little Paddlelittlepaddle.comBecause I am new to this format, I will be trying out different themes and layouts to find which works best for me. I hope that you would go to and search around to find things you might like. In the older posts is my book Little Paddle the Platypus and his First Day Outing Adventure, in the newer posts you will find my writings. Some are good some maybe not, that is certainly up to the reader, and some are worth remembering and repeating to others, thank you so much for all you have helped me with , without all of you I would have never ventured out to try to get others to see me as a writer worth reading. Please keep coming back I will have more of everything. THE WRITER
- John Sarno updated his status.Found some wonderful posts from back in 2009 and also 2011 , please read if you get a chance, most are worth reading. They are now on my blog.
THE WRITER - John Sarno updated his status.So very happy, I feel like I am King of the Computer !, Well I no I am not even the Computer Jester, but I do remember all the way back to, oh crap, I don't remember when it was it was so far back in the memory banks that it was on a spool not a chip,( if you are a true computer geek you will know the reference ) , but I copied and pasted like a pro, now I have posted Face Book posts from 2009 , ... See More

- John Sarno updated his status.while the surface of a body of water might be smooth , and clear , and might even reflect what it is shown, it is still only the surface , and can't give , what isn't sought after
- Eileen Dagley White posted something via Happy Things!

- John Sarno updated his status.belief in ones self is the start to believing in something bigger than ones self.

- John Sarno updated his status.out of every possible combination of words there are in the world, there are three that bring such joy to who ever hears them, that although they may be said in different languages , they are universally accepted as what they are , an invitation, these three words are, " I LOVE YOU " and will be accepted any where, any time.
- John Sarno updated his status.Oct 18, 2009, 7:29 PMwhat in life , makes us look at our selves as though we are the ones who had a hand in creating anything around us, when deep down either we know or just wont except the fact that we are in the palm of the hand who guides us .
John Sarno updated his status.
Oct 30, 2009, 1:42 PM |
out of every possible combination of words there are in the world, there are three that bring such joy to who ever hears them, that although they may be said in different languages , they are universally accepted as what they are , an invitation, these three words are, " I LOVE YOU " and will be accepted any where, any time.
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